Courses & Certifications

Courses & Certifications Selenium


Selenium Fundamentals

Lesson: Selenium Fundamentals

  • Selenium Concepts and Components
  • Manual Testing using Selenium
  • Automated Testing using Selenium
  • Java, Testing Frameworks, and Selenium WebDriver
  • Exercise: Running the Web Application

Lesson: Using the Katalon Recorder

  • Start Katalon Recorder
  • Understand the components of Katalon Recorder
  • Use Web Developer Inspector to inspect an element on a web page
  • Exercise: Analyzing the Web Application

Lesson: Creating and Running a Manual Test

  • Testing planning and Test Plans
  • Use Katalon Recorder to create and run a manual test
  • Understand the Katalon Recorder components
  • Page Transitions and Globbing
  • Exercise: Creating and Running a Manual Test
  • Exercise: Testing Alerts

Lesson: JUnit 5 for Selenium

  • What JUnit brings to the table
  • JUnit Method Lifecycle
  • Test setup and teardown
  • Parameterized tests
  • Assertions
  • Demo: JUnit
  • Exercise: Reapply JUnit
  • Walkthrough: Using JUnit with Selenium

Lesson: Selenium WebDriver

  • Working with WebDriver in Java
  • Finding Spots on Web Pages
  • Working with different browsers
  • Built-In Locators
  • Exercise: Creating and Running a WebDriver Test
  • Exercise: Testing with Other Browsers
  • Exercise: Working with WebDriver Locators
  • Exercise: Adding WebDriver Tests

Lesson: WebDriver Deep Dive

  • WebDriver Commands for working with forms
  • Working with complex form components
  • Taking screenshots
  • Working with alerts
  • Exercise: Testing Forms using WebDriver
  • Exercise: Screenshots

Lesson: Advanced WebDriver

  • Use WebDriver to work with windows, tabs and iframes
  • Utilize Actions class for mouse and keyboard actions
  • Testing file uploads and downloads
  • Testing AJAX elements
  • Waiting for events to happen
  • Feeding data sets into a testing sequence
  • Exercise: Testing Wait Styles
  • Exercise: Streaming Data into Selenium Tests

Lesson: Selenium Best Practices

  • Preparation
  • Managing Names
  • Multiple Browser Testing
  • High Quality Tests and Test Plans
  • Using Whitespace
  • Efficient Operations
  • Establish Selenium Standards

Lesson: Testing Strategies and Patterns

  • Types of web application tests
  • Strategies for locating elements
  • Wrapping Selenium calls
  • User interface maps
  • Exercise: Using Delayed Exceptions
  • Exercise: Automated Running of Multiple Test Cases
  • Exercise: Testing the Bank Web Application

Lesson: Selenium Locators

  • Finding Spots on Web Pages
  • Built-In Locators
  • Find by HTML Features
  • Find using CSS
  • Find using XPath and the DOM
  • Exercise: Working with Selenium Locators

Lesson: Selenese

  • Selenese Overview
  • Selenese Commands
  • Action Commands
  • Accessor Commands
  • Assertion Commands
  • Exercise: Working with Selenese

Lesson: Forms

  • Selenese Commands for Working with Forms
  • Form Actions
  • Text Form Actions
  • Keys
  • Button Form Actions
  • Other Actions
  • Exercise: Testing Forms
  • Online Classes
  • 1 to 1 Advantage
  • Flexible Dates
  • Flexible Timings
  • Placement Support
  • Selenium
  • Price: ₹25000