Languages & Certifications

Languages & Certifications French


  • French
  • Price: ₹25000

French Language Course Level: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2

  • TRAINING Live Online Interactive Sessions A1: 30 Hours A2: 30 Hours B1: 40 Hours B2: 40 Hours C1: 40 Hours C2: 40 Hours
  • PROJECTS Facility to undergo various Hands-on Projects for Practical learning of the Course
  • INTERNSHIP Internship Assistance to gain practical experience of the learnings
  • PLACEMENT 100% Placement Assistance for 1-Year, post successful completion
  • CERTIFICATION Get Certiication of French Language Training Course from Henry Harvin®, Govt of India recognized & Award-Winning Institute
  • E-LEARNING ACCESS With abundant tools and techniques, video content, assessments, and more
  • BOOTCAMPS Regular Bootcamps spread over the next 12 months
  • WRITING HACKATHONS Free Access to #AskHenry Hackathons and Competitions
  • MEMBERSHIP Get 1-Year Gold Membership of Henry Harvin® Language Academy for the French language Training Course

Key Features

  • Attend Unlimited Batches with Different Instructors for the next 1 year without paying anything extra
  • Internship assistance Post Training
  • 100% Placement Assistance for 1 Year
  • Certification for the completion of French Language Course
  • 1-Year Gold Membership of Henry Harvin® Language Academy
  • 12+ Bootcamps as part of the #AskHenry Series
  • 24x7 Lifetime Support & Access
  • Mobile App Access to Moodle E-Learning Portal
  • Access to 5+ Soft Skills Courses to enhance Employability

Course Curriculum

Beginners Level- A1

Module 1:

  • Greetings in French
  • Understand days of the week and months of the year.
  • Count (numbers)
  • Spell words
  • Introduce yourself (give your age, your job, talk about your family, say where you are from, where you live, say the languages you speak)
  • Ask questions
  • Learn basic vocabulary
  • Auxiliary verbs (to be/to have)
  • Genders (masculine/feminine)
  • Deinite and indeinite articles
  • Plural form
  • Possessive adjectives (my, your, his/her…)
  • Regular verbs at the present tense (-er verbs)

Module 2:

  • Understand a menu/Order at a restaurant
  • Ask questions
  • Understand and give directions
  • Speak about the weather
  • Say the time
  • Suggest an outing
  • Buy in shops
  • Plural of nouns
  • “on” pronoun
  • Negation
  • Prepositions of location (in, on, next to, in front of…)
  • Use « Quel », « Est-ce que » and « Qu’est-ce que » in a question
  • Demonstrative adjectives (this, that)

Module 3:

  • Do your grocery shopping
  • Indicate a quantity
  • Speak about the future
  • Make a positive/negative comment
  • Describe someone
  • Partitive articles
  • Answering a negative question
  • Futur Proche (future tense)
  • Relexive verbs (se lever…)
  • Imperative Form

Module 4:

  • Speak about the past
  • Talk about a duration
  • Talk about your studies
  • Give advice, order
  • Passé Composé (past tense)
  • Présent Continu (Present continuous)
  • Direct pronouns
  • Time markers

Beginners Level- A2

Module 1:

  • Speak about what sport you enjoy doing
  • Speak about the future
  • Give advice
  • Speak about your goals
  • Express a decision
  • Revisions of A1 Curriculum
  • Futur Simple (Future tense)
  • Hypothesis in the future
  • The negative imperative
  • Express a cause/reason and a purpose

Module 2:

  • Express frequency
  • Describe your home
  • Understand an ad for a lat
  • Give directions
  • Make a comparison
  • Explain a choice
  • Present tense
  • The preposition “Depuis”
  • Relative pronouns (qui/que)
  • Comparative/Superlative

Module 2:

  • Express frequency
  • Describe your home
  • Understand an ad for a lat
  • Give directions
  • Make a comparison
  • Explain a choice
  • Present tense
  • The preposition “Depuis”
  • Relative pronouns (qui/que)
  • Comparative/Superlative

Module 3:

  • Speak about the past
  • Make a description
  • Indicate a chronology
  • Understand a biography
  • Speak about a life-changing event
  • Explain a problem/give solutions
  • Le Passé composé and l’Imparfait (past tenses)
  • « Il y a » / « Pendant »
  • Chronology
  • Cause/Reason
  • Consequence

Module 4:

  • Give an opinion
  • How to avoid repetitions
  • Give advice
  • Express a certitude
  • Express wishes
  • Plural of -al words
  • Direct and indirect pronouns
  • Adverbs of manner
  • Imperative+Direct and indirect pronouns
  • Subjunctive form
  • Conditional
  • Irregular verbs

Module 5:

  • Describe a place
  • Talk about citizenship
  • Organize a speech
  • Ask questions about an object
  • Describe material
  • Y pronoun
  • Où Relative pronoun
  • Indeinite adjectives (tout/toute/chaque/quelques)
  • Opposition/Concession
  • Interrogative pronoun « lequel »
  • Demonstrative pronouns (celui-ci/celui-là…)

Module 6:

  • Understand a written/oral advertisement
  • Give your opinion
  • Understand a lealet
  • Make a demand
  • Gerundive form
  • En pronoun
  • Indicative/Subjonctive
  • Negation
  • Prepositions of localisation

Intermediate Level: B1

Topics & Vocabulary
  • Talking about past experiences and encounters
  • Expressing aims and causes – comme, puisque and parce que
  • Providing a detailed description
  • Describing personal motives
  • Justifying a choice
  • Talking about travels
  • Making suggestions
  • Giving your opinion
  • Hypothesising
  • Talking about countries and regions
  • Describing a ictional character
  • Describing feelings and emotions
  • Talking of hopes and aspirations
  • Expressing regrets
  • Expressing, promoting and justifying opinions
  • Debating: politics, recycling, the environment, new technologies, social issues, consumerism
  • Expressing feelings and emotions
  • Expressing obligation, possibilities and restrictions
  • Writing a variety of texts (text messages, emails, letters etc.)
  • Talking about movies (storyline and characters)
  • Review of the past and future tenses
  • Plus-que-parfait (Past perfect)
  • Agreement of the past participle with avoir (passé composé tense)
  • Direct pronouns (le, la, les)
  • Conditional tense
  • Hypothesis : si + imparfait
  • Prepositions with countries and regions
  • Past conditional
  • Adverbs in ‘-ment’
  • Linking words
  • Subjunctive
  • Verbs to express opinion – je crois que, je pense que etc.
  • Impersonal structures – il faut que etc.
  • Gerund : ‘-ant’
  • Direct vs indirect pronouns
  • Structures with verbs expressing feelings – je regretted que/ je regretted de etc.
  • Pronouns order
  • Relative pronouns – ce qui, ce que, ce don’t
  • Word order : the adjective
  • Style and register: formal/ informal
Cultural Content
  • French regions
  • French people and their holidays
  • Popular French tourist sites
  • The French artistic scene
  • Political life in France
  • Environmental issues
  • New technologies
  • Social causes
  • French cinema (ilms, directors and actors)
Skills Work
  • Speaking/active practice
  • Listening Practice
  • New vocabulary
  • Pronunciation
  • Speaking/debating
  • Producing various styles of written French

Intermediate Level: B2

  • Summarising and reporting information
  • Presentations – structures and phrases
  • Talking about the professional world
  • Details of business etiquette
  • Inequalities at work
  • Expressing feelings and ideas
  • The media
  • Explaining the meaning of a word
  • Playing with words – poetry, proverbs, word-play, word creation, metaphors, stylized writing
  • Language register – colloquial idioms
  • Deining words, concepts, and objects
  • French slang
  • Reporting uncertain information
  • Origin of some French words
  • Advertising and slogans
  • Colloquial expressions
  • French sayings
  • Advising according to different registers
  • Genuine spoken French
  • Expressing feelings and sensations
  • Playing with the language
  • French literature
  • Writing a text message
  • Describing a picture in details
  • Presenting a document
  • Reported speech – structures and tense agreement
  • Collective nouns agreement – une majorité de, la plupart de etc
  • Sufixes
  • Passive tense
  • Pronoun ‘en’
  • Linking words
  • Nominalisation
  • Language register
  • Complex relative pronouns – avec lequel, sur lequel etc
  • Past and present conditional
  • C’est, ce sont…qui/que
  • Nominal sentences
  • Adverbs
  • Exlamation – ‘Comme c’est grand !’
  • Negative sentences
  • Word order: adjectives
  • Subjunctive
  • Past participle agreement
  • Punctuation
  • Pour vs par
  • Imperative
  • Prepositions of place
Cultural Content
  • Equality at work
  • The French Educational system
  • French people and the media
  • Songs in French
  • Francophonie
  • French poetry
  • Slam
  • Origin of some French words
  • The media
  • Advertising
  • French music
  • Comic books
  • French authors and literature
  • French poetry
  • History of the French language/different varieties of French
Skills Work
  • Speaking/debating
  • Listening
  • Understanding different accents
  • Producing various styles of written and spoken French

Advanced Level- C1

Topics & Vocabulary
  • Making a presentation
  • Putting forward arguments
  • Cause/consequence
  • Expressing opinions and feelings
  • Hypothesising
  • Reporting a message
  • Expressing nuance
  • Talking about memories
  • Aesthetics
  • Current events
  • Social issues
  • Presentations: words and structures
  • Subjunctive: present, imperfect, and past perfect
  • Nominalisation
  • Demonstrative pronouns
  • Past participle vs gerund
  • Si + tenses
  • Conditional: present and past
  • Past perfect
  • Adjectives
  • Structures for reported speech
Cultural Content
  • The French education system
  • French ine arts
  • French music
  • French cinema
  • French literature
  • French history
  • Doing business in French
Skills Work
  • Lots of speaking/debating
  • Lots of listening
  • Understanding different accents
  • Producing various styles of written and spoken French

Proiciency Level- C2

  • Expressing thoughts and feelings
  • Subjectivity vs objectivity
  • Structuring your speech
  • Language registers
  • Political and social issues
  • Stereotypes
  • Regional differences
  • History
  • Current events
  • Subjunctive
  • ‘Ne’ explétif
  • Nominalisation
  • Linking words
  • Complex use of grammar to contribute to a debate
Cultural Content
  • French institutions
  • French values and symbols
  • Francophonie
  • French philosophy
  • The media in France
  • French politics
  • French arts
  • French gastronomy
  • French body language
Skills Work
  • Lots of speaking/debating
  • Lots of listening
  • Understanding different accents
  • Producing various styles of written and spoken French

Complimentary Module 1: Soft Skills Development

  • Business Communication
  • Preparation for the Interview
  • Presentation Skills

Complimentary Module 2: Resume Building Technique

  • Business Communication
  • Preparation for the Interview
  • Presentation Skills
  • Online Classes
  • 1 to 1 Advantage
  • Flexible Dates
  • Flexible Timings
  • Placement Support